The connection between the cosmic energy and the physical body is through a spinning disc known as Chakra. The word chakra is adapted from the Sanskrit word ’cakra’ which means wheels . They are formed and developed at different stages of birth gestation.The life flowing energies are known as Prana and the pathways of life energies are known as Nadis.
The total number of chakras are 114 which are further categorized in Major – 7 Seven Chakras , Minor – 21 Chakras and Micro – 86 Chakras . Out of the total 114 , 112 chakras are inside and 2 are out of the physical body . Major Seven Chakra are always focused as they are inline with the spinal cord forming a straight line from top to bottom chakra. Chakras and Nadis form a direct relationship with four forms of life energies : Physical Energies , Mental Energies , Emotional Energies , Spiritual Energies. Chakras play an important role in balancing these energies and aligning it with our physical body to make an equilibrium between mind -body-soul .Seven chakras should be opened and balanced , neither closed nor overactive.

Chakras are visualized as bud of flowers , each having a specific number of petals. The visual of every chakra is round which represents the circle of life , energy and eternity. Each petal is associated with some symbol . Petals and cosmic energies are synced to make the unwanted energies flow out and get purified universal energies in . When energy flows are so serene and cosmic our life blossoms like a bud becoming a flower in an elegant natural form .

Unbalanced and over active chakras are a way to bring in blockages in life . Chakras are very important for our life process going on , as different chakras give us different energy for our well being and positive life . Every chakras is related to some or the other physical,emotional and spiritual body . Each chakra has its own power and energy to heal depending on the part of the body they are located at. Each chakra is associated with a specific color , oils , crystals,herbs, symbol , mudra , yoga form , organ , gland and many other related aspects . Further to balance our chakras we can incorporate the related therapies or healing products or any related healing process in our daily routine to keep our chakras balanced and have a positive and spiritual approach towards life .

  • Crown Chakra , also known as Sahasrara Chakra is located at the top of the head , having 1000 petals. It takes the charge of the cosmic connection . Its sound word for meditation is ‘OM’ .
  • Third Eye Chakra also known as Ajna Chakra is located at the forehead / between brows , having 2 petals . It takes the charge of the Intuition power. Its sound word for meditation is ‘OM’.
  • Throat Chakra also known as Visuddha Chakra is located at the throat , having 16 petals. It takes the charge of clear communication. Its sound word for meditation is ‘HAM’
  • Heart Chakra also known as located at the center of the chest , having 12 petals. It takes the charge of the emotional connection. Its sound word for meditation is ‘YAM’
  • Solar Plexus Chakra also known as located above the navel , having 10 petals. It takes the charge of self-confidence. Its sound word for meditation is ‘RAM’
  • Sacral Chakra also known as located at the lower abdomen , having 6 petals. It takes the charge of pleasure and well-being . Its sound word for meditation is ‘VAM’
  • Root Chakra also known as located at the base of the spine , having 4 petals. It takes the charge of survival and grounding . Its sound word for meditation is ‘LAM’